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Building a RAG-powered AI legal assistant with Cohere


Date: Apr 30, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Online

Join David Stewart, Solutions Architect at Cohere, and Edward Robinson, Senior Engineering Manager at Borderless AI, for an insightful webinar, "Building a RAG-powered AI legal assistant with Cohere." On April 30, at 11:00 a.m. PT/ 2:00 p.m. ET, discover the concrete advantages of implementing advanced AI solutions to elevate performance in real-world legal scenarios.

Through the integration of Cohere's cutting-edge AI models, Command R and Embed, alongside RAG technology, Borderless AI developed a revolutionary legal AI assistant. This innovation streamlined legal processes across multiple languages and jurisdictions, transforming contract creation, legal advice, and agreement analysis.

During this webinar, David Stewart and Edward Robinson will delve into the real-world benefits and share practical strategies for optimizing performance. Learn firsthand how AI is revolutionizing the legal field and gain valuable insights into enhancing your legal processes.